Summer School 2006During the summer I attended a summer school for 3 days run by our embroidery teacher, Catherine I thought it was time that I put the work onto my blog for all to see. Last year at the Knitting and Stitching Show at Alexandra Palace I went to a 1 hour workshop run by the Fibre Factory which was about using various threads and fabrics to create an embellished piece of embroidery - this was my finished piece.

This piece gave Catherine the inspiration for the summer school - we started with some source material for the colours - these day lilies were mine

Then we painted papers with procion dyes - we only had 6 colours to work with - 3 warm colours - golden yellow, vibrant magenta and indigo navy, and 3 cool colours - lemon yellow, scarlet and brilliant blue. We were encouraged to play with the colours, mixing them to achieve colours that we liked and painting them on the paper.

After we had painted the papers we then space dyed a selection of fabrics and threads.

Using a picture or selection of pictures as design source material we experimented, again with paper, to develop shapes and ultimately a basis for a design that we could stitch.

This was my pencil drawing with notes on it - as you can see I'm not the best artist in the world.

We then started to experiment and sample different techniques and stitches that we might use in our finished piece.

Then came the fun part of doing the actual stitching - this is the finished article - maybe one day I'll decide what to do with it.

At the end of the 3 days we laid all our inspiration and experiments out for all to see.

It was a really nice, relaxing, fun 3 days.