Monday, January 14, 2008

Gosh - it's ages since I posted anything here so time for a quick update. I passed the Module 2 and have started on my Module 3 work. I've done virtually no stitching over the Christmas and New Year period, even though I had high hopes of getting lots done - having a bad cold over New Year didn't help my motivation. However, yesterday I did some weaving - one of the tasks for the Module 3 - here are my first 2 attempts. I may do a bit more as I really quite enjoy it.

This weekend I also made a bag for the BQL bag challenge following the pattern given for January.


Anonymous said...

Congratulations of passing Module 2! Well deserved. Good luck with Module 3.

Kentish Maid said...

Just love those bits of weaving - fantastic texture you have achieved.

Françoise said...

Your weaving samples are gorgeous.